Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome to my blog: 7 things about me!

Okay. So, I finally did it. I broke down and decided to start my own blog. Over the past few months I have read so many blogs that have encouraged me both in my life and in my faith. I have been a “lurker” on other blogs for a while now, but I decided that since I like to write and I love to read blogs that this would be a good outlet/hobby for me. To be perfectly honest, since I started law school three years ago I lost any sort of hobby I use to have. I feel like I have spent the last three years running on a treadmill that never slows down. This blog is one of my attempts to return to normalcy.
I am really not sure where to begin, so I decided to tell you 7 things about myself.
(1) My husband, Brian, is my rock. We met in 2001 on a World Changers Mission Trip in Puerto Rico. I was a junior in high school and Brian was about to start his senior year. We started dating in October of 2001 and have been together ever since. Without his support, I really would not be where I am today. It sounds cheesy, but he has believed in me even in the times when I haven’t believed in myself.
(2) My family is crazy and wonderful. I have 3 brothers. 3 crazy brothers. My parents are super supportive and have made every sacrifice possible to help me succeed in life.
(3) I LOVE TO TRAVEL. As a child I decided that one of my life goals would be to travel to every continent before I die. So far I have been to three continents: South America, Europe and Africa. Well, four if you count North America.
(4) Africa. I had the opportunity to go to Ethiopia in 2007 while working for an international adoption agency. It changed my life forever. This past summer I traveled to Tanzania and South Africa with one of my law professors. It was an amazing opportunity to learn about children’s issues first hand. I’m sure I will post more about my love of Africa later.
(5) Macie. Macie is my two year old toy poodle. She is the light of my life!
(6) I am an alumnus of North Carolina State University. My husband is probably one of the biggest NCSU fans on earth. So much so that we have seriously considered naming our first born son after the football stadium, Carter Finley Fletcher… it has a nice ring if you ask me.
(7) I don’t like to exercise. That’s right. I said it. I want to like it. I really do. I’m working on it. Seriously. I recently joined a zumba class. For the first time in my life I am actually enjoying exercise.


  1. YAY! So glad you started a blog! And I love Carter Finley Fletcher..precious! Maybe we should start going for a walk/run together or something...I really hate to exercise too...LOVE YOU

  2. Thanks so much for commenting! What were you doing up at 4:41?

  3. I hate to exercise too! It will always be my issue in life...haha! So great to read about you!
